
Average score 1132 Reviews
lucie gaborieau noted on Google

Service rapide et très bon! En tant que végétarienne j’ai pu manger à ma faim sans me priver; beaucoup de choix nous sont proposé. La cuisine est très bonne et les serveurs très gentil et à l’écoute de la demande des clients! Le petit robot nous a fait beaucoup rire avec mon compagnon 😂 Je vous conseille ce restaurant à 100%, agréable et chaleureux, nous y retournerons avec plaisir. (Translated by Google) Fast and very good service! As a vegetarian I was able to eat my fill without depriving myself; lots of choices are offered to us. The food is very good and the waiters are very kind and attentive to customer requests! The little robot made me and my partner laugh a lot 😂 I recommend this restaurant 100%, pleasant and warm, we will return with pleasure.

2 months ago
Alexandre TEIXEIRA noted on Google

2 months ago
julie lefevre noted on Google

2 months ago
Chloé noted on Google

3 months ago
C V noted on Google

3 months ago
- “‪Woofix‬” - noted on Google

Parfait, mais plus cher a emporter que sur place … (Translated by Google) Perfect, but more expensive to take away than on site…

3 months ago
Charles Nguyen noted on Google

J'aime bien ce lieu. La cuisine est bonne, le personnel très avenant. Le petit bémol sur place, c'est le buffet à volonté qui ne propose pas autant de choix qu'à emporter. Une très bonne adresse. (Translated by Google) I like this place. The food is good, the staff very friendly. The small downside on site is the all-you-can-eat buffet which does not offer as many choices as takeaway. A very good address.

3 months ago
Annabelle noted on Google

3 months ago
MrHitman46 noted on Google

3 months ago
Jerome Gaillard noted on Google

3 months ago

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